At BPF our positive and supporting community, along with our experienced and knowledgeable coaching staff, creates the best environment to help individuals reach their fitness goals.


Meet the team that sets this gym apart


Jim Pfromm

Owner/head coach

Jim played many sports growing up, and played Basketball in college.  He  graduated with a B.S. in Kinesiology.  After graduating college, Jim became N.A.S.M. certified, and began personal training in 2005.  He was introduce to CrossFit in 2008, and a dream turned into reality in 2012 when he opened Breaking Point Fitness – CrossFit Ridge Ave.

With 19+ years of coaching experience Jim has a passion helping people of all fitness levels achieve and exceed their health and fitness goals.  


B.S. Kinesiology, CrossFit Level 1, CrossFit Level 2, CrossFit Gymnastics Cert, CrossFit Mobility Cert, CrossFit Endurance Cert, USAW Olympic Lifting Cert, Ido Portal Movement X Seminar, Ido Portal The Corset Seminar, Carl Paoli  Freestyle Connection Seminar, NASM Cert, Onnit Kettlebell Specialist Certified.



Rachel Pfromm

Nutrition Coach

As a high school student, Rachel attended a summer-long seminar at Canyon Ranch Health Resort, where she developed an interest in nutrition, spirituality and body mechanics. She then joined the cross-country and track teams at Baldwin High School.  She took it upon herself to study nutrition and wellness in the human body.  With her interest in wellness and medicine, she studied Pre-med at The University of Vermont, where she enjoyed running, biking, and hiking the green mountains.  She graduated with her B.S. in Psychology with a concentration in Neuroscience. Rachel graduated from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, with her degree as a Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.). She decided to further her education by enrolling in the University of Arizona’s Integrative Medicine Fellowship. She has been taught by many well-respected professors including Dr. Andrew Weil, Harvard-graduate and founder of Integrative Medicine, Dr. Siri Chand Khalsa, specialist in Ayurveda and Nutrition, and Sensai Koshin Ellison, co-founder of the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care.  She hopes to be able to teach CrossFit members about nutrition as a key to wellbeing and disease prevention. 


Katoa Price-Ahau



Gwyn Price-Ahau



Rome Duncan



Rich DiPiero
